When storing and preserving food for sale, custom tin c […]
When storing and preserving food for sale, custom tin can have always been the backbone of the food industry. The emergence of plastics and other new materials used to keep food safe has failed to successfully eliminate tin as one of the first choices for storing food.
Tin is a metal, mainly mined in Southeast Asia and parts of South America. The tin mine usually looks like a huge hole in the ground, with a huge tin miner in the center. Raw tin must be smelted and purified before it can be used. Smelting involves indirect heating of tin to an extreme temperature to remove impurities.
Since the discovery that sealing food in an airtight container can maintain its freshness, the food industry has been looking for many options for economically implementing the discovery. The first attempt was to use sealed glass bottles. Although glass bottles work well, they do have limitations. The manufacturing cost of glass is getting higher and higher, and they break easily. These restrictions limit the development of the food industry.
When tin cans were invented, the food industry took a huge step towards mass production of preserved food. Tin cans are easy to make and very cheap. This will increase profits, and suddenly, selling a large amount of pickled food is beneficial to the business. Tin cans can withstand more abuse than glass bottles, making them easy to transport anywhere in the world. In addition, the size and shape of tin cans are limited to the production capacity of a single factory.
Due to the high flexibility of tin cans, the company is not limited to tin cans. Tin cans began to appear in various shapes and sizes to meet business needs and brand opportunities. Today, we still see tin cans on store shelves. Not only that, we also provide tin biscuit tins, heart-shaped tin chocolate tins and special-shaped tin cans occasionally used for special events.